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Tentative Judged Events Final Schedule Release Date

Tentative Judged Events Final Schedule Release Date: Students who make it into the finals round for their judged event will need to present IN PERSON to judges to determine their place in the top 6 for their event. This will be what determines who will move on to the State Leadership Conference and who will be an alternate and needs to prepare just incase the are called up to State. 


Jan 10 2025


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About Texas BPA

Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a national, cocurricular, career/technical organization for students in middle school, high school, and college business and technology programs.
Through BPA, students compete at the regional, state, and national levels in more than 50 Workplace Skills Assessment Program events, engage in community and leadership service activities, and meet business students across the state and country through participation in our programs.
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