Application LINK: bit.ly/txa1r3scholarship25
Thank you for applying for the Area I Region III BPA Scholarship!
You must submit the completed application to the form below by Wed, Dec 18, 2024, at 5:00 pm CST.
The purpose of the Area I Region III BPA Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to the most capable and deserving members in our area wishing to pursue post-secondary education in preparation for a career in the business industry.
The selection of candidates is done on a competitive basis. The criteria used in selecting scholarship recipients will include:
- Number of business courses or related instruction
- BPA membership (participation)
- Personal Statement & Advisor Statement
- Resume
Applications must be submitted to the Regional Advisors by the date specified below. Upon evaluating the applicants, the Scholarship Committee Advisors will score the applicants based on the attached rubric. The Scholarship Committee Advisors will compile scores and send them to the Regional Advisors who will then award the scholarships.
Funds will be sent to the recipient upon completion of the fall semester 2025 when a copy of their grade report is submitted to the Regional Advisor. The scholarship recipient must attend college/university/technical school in the fall semester of 2025.
The Area I Region III BPA Scholarship Applicant must:
- All applicable pages have been completed. APPLICATION TYPEWRITTEN, EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES.
- Contain all requested signatures.
- Contain only requested information, no extra supplemental pages.
- Submit the following with the application:
- Resume - Complete heading (Including phone number & non-school email address); Objective with Educational Career Goals (name of college or university and major or minor); Education; Work Experience (if applicable); BPA Activities (Include-competitions); Non-BPA Related Activities, Community Service; and Honor and Awards – this is for current experience, please keep to 1 page.
- Student’s Letter to the Regional Advisors, as instructed on page 4.
- Video response to the following prompt. The video is not to exceed 2 minutes.
- Reflect on the skills and competencies you have acquired through your participation in Business Professionals of America (BPA). How have these skills shaped your approach to leadership, problem-solving, and long-term professional aspirations?